可可早间课堂第76期(七一特别版 下)S insist that S shoiuld do.
日期:2011-07-06 19:23



1 考官要求学生不要使用计算器。

The examination instructor asked that the students should not use a calculator.

The examination instructor asked the students not use a calculator.
【喇叭】不要认为这个句子是个病句,认为应该在use前加上动词不定式的to, 是ask somebody not to do something. 这里是省略了should.

2 工人们要求增加百分之十的工资。

The workers demanded that their wages should be raised by 10 percent.

The workers demanded their wages be raised by 10 percent.

3 他坚持要我们大家想尽办法按时到那儿。

He insisted that all of us shouldbe there on time by any means.

He insisted all of us be there on time by any means.

4 他要求给他解释情况的机会。
He asks that he should be given an opportunity to explain his case.

He asks he be given an opportunity to explain his case.
【喇叭】这里不要把be given用作is given,注意这里省略了should.

4 她要求我们立即付钱给她。
She demanded that we should pay her at once.

She demanded we pay her at once.

6 他请求总理接见她。
He requested that the Premier should grant him an interview.

He requested the Premier grant him an interview.
【喇叭】这里不要看到主句是requested, 就认为从句中的grant也要用过去式,这里是省略了should.

7 他要求他们通宵工作。
He requires that they should work all night
He requires they work all night.

8 她恳求党能宽恕她的错误。
She petitioned the Party that she should be pardoned.
【点评】该句中that she should be pardoned 是直接宾语,the Party是间接宾语。由此我们可知,宾语从句的虚拟语气可以用在直接宾语中。

She petitioned the Party she be pardoned.

9 她催促他尽快接替这个职位。
She urges that he should take this position as soon as possible.

She urges he take this position as soon as possible.



And this morning I'd like to talk about a sentence pattern to you. It is : S insist that S should do. In this sentence pattern, "insist" means "demand that something happens or that somebody agrees to do something". So , 这个句式是表示某人坚持要求某人做某事的意思。That S should do. 是由that引导的宾语从句,用的是虚拟语气,可见其谓语形式是should+动词原形,that 和 should 可以省略。凡是含有宾语从句的复合句中主句含有insist这个谓语动词,且insist是“坚持要求”的意思时,宾语从句要用虚拟语气。


有这样一位双目失明的非共产党员却胜是共产党员。她就是我可敬可亲的奶奶。抗美援朝那会儿,双目失明的奶奶毅然把自己的大儿子送上了战场。村里人,连同村长都劝她说:“金妹,你眼睛看不到,需要孩子们的照顾,要是弄得不好,孩子可能会死在战场上, 今后谁来照顾你呀!”However, my grandmother insisted that his eldest son be sent into battle and after that he became a member of the Chinese Communist Party. 那会儿听说日本鬼子要打到村子里来了,奶奶正怀有身孕,就拖儿带女地逃难。逃难间在一个山洞里生下了第二个儿子。逃难回来,却迟迟不见其母亲归来。大家都知道那会儿丧失人性的日本鬼子对妇女见到是百般的蹂躏,my grandmother thought his mother must have abused and passed away. 此时正需要营养,正需要休息的奶奶整天以泪洗面,东方是红了,新中国成立了,可是奶奶看不见东方的那一片红,她的眼前看到的是一片漆黑,奶奶是在黑暗中度过了60多个念头呀!于前年大年初五去世,享年94岁。奶奶!您在另一个世界生活得还好吗?我的奶奶不是共产党员,但是却培养出来了一名共产党员。




please translate the following sentences.

1 —— 请和我们一起来吧。—— 那也好,如果你坚持的话。

2 他坚持要求退还全款。

3 她坚持要他穿西装。


  • patternn. 图案,式样,典范,模式,型 v. 以图案装饰,仿造
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • interviewn. 接见,会见,面试,面谈 vt. 接见,采访,对 .
  • grantn. 授予物,补助金; 同意,给予 n. 财产转让 vt