可可早间课堂第65期:If S had done, S could have done.
日期:2011-06-13 13:31


Morning!I am Juliet. Nice to meet you on the air. Hope we could spend a wonderful morning together. An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening.

一天之计在于晨,若您有个美好的晨间生活,相信您一天的生活都是美好的。A hard beginning makes a good ending. 常言道:善始善终。


Last time we learned a sentence pattern: 【从句】If + S + had done. 【主句】 S + should have done. 这个句式是主句中的主语为第一人称I, we时可以使用,表示对过去的事情的一种假设,句中所说到的情况与过去的事实相反。


1 要是我知道那件事儿的话,我就告诉你了。

If I had known about it. I would have told you.

【点评】1 该句话言外之意就是:I didn't know about it and I couldn't tell you then. 2 该句子在没有情境的情况下,可以看作是对过去事情的假设,也可以看作是现在事情的假设。If I knew about it, I would tell you now.

2 如果我们不去散步的话,我们就可以看到晚会的开头了。

If we hadn't taken a walk, we would have watched the gala from the beginning.

1 此句话,言外之意是:We took a walk and we didn't watch the gala from the beginning. 2 该句子中,有个“了”字,一看到这个中文句子,我们就可以体会到“散步”和“没观看”这2个动作已经发生,过去了。

3 如果我去医院看了Jack, 我会把他的实际病情告诉他的。

If I had seen Jack in the hospital, I would have told him the truth about his illness.

【点评】1 此句话言外之意就是:I didn't go to hospital to see Jack and I didn't tell him the truth about his illness. 2 该句子在没有情境的情况下,可以看做是过去的事情,也可以看做是将来发生的事情。因此也可以翻译为:If I wen to the hospital to see Jack, I would tell him the truth about his illness.

5 如果我那时候在努力一点的话,我那时的情况会好得多。

If I had worked harder, my condition would have been better.

【点评】1 此句话的言外之意就是:I didn't work harder and my condition weren't better then. 2 该句子中有个非常明显的表示时间的状语“那时”,“我没有努力”这个动作和“情况不是很好”这一状态已经过去了。3 该句子如果翻译为:If I had worked harder, my condition would have been better then. 那么这个翻译是错误的。因为本身这个句式就已经含有过去这个时间在里面,我们再加上过去的模糊概念的时间状语,这岂不是化蛇添足了吗?如果是具体时间,可以加上。


This morning I'd like to share another sentence pattern with you. It is : 【从句】If + had done, 【主句】 S + could have done. 这个句式表示对某人在过去在一定的条件下本又能里做到的事情,可是没有做到。


Mary年轻时候非常好玩,没想过做正当生意为自己或是自己的小孩将来留点钱,这是后悔说道:If I had really meant to, no doubt I could have earned something. 如果我那时候真有心挣钱的话,无疑我是可以挣到的。这句话言外之意就是:I didn't really mean to make money and I earn nothing.

Mike 老大不小了,可是成天无所事事,40多岁了还吃妈妈饭,他说了一句给别人看不起他的一句话:If my father had lived, he could have done all this for me. 要是我的父亲还活着的话,这一切他都可以帮我做的。此句话言外之意就是:My father died and he had no ability to do all this for me.


please translate the following sentences.

1 如果Ray守得住寂寞的话,他就是一个顶呱呱的牧师了。

2 如果他更加细心的话,本来可以做得更好.


4 如果昨天大伙们齐心协力,昨天的工作是可以完成的。


