早间课堂126期:话说地道美语 Lesson 7(3)
日期:2011-09-07 07:44



Lesson Seven How to say “毛骨悚然”? 第三讲

各位亲爱的听众朋友,这里是晨间7点档“话说地道美语”。我是Juliet。非常高兴在这美丽的清晨和您如约相会,it is my great pleasure. How are you today? I think you must be fine.


首先,let's have a review. 在第七课的第一讲和第二讲中我们学了2个地道的形容一个人被吓得十分恐惧,极其害怕的美语说法。大家还记得吗?它们是:make one's hair stand on endmake one's blood run cold. Both of them mean "be scared to death"or "be frightened very much". 在中文中,与之同义的四字短语有:不寒而栗,毛骨悚然,胆战心惊,摄人心寒,魂飞魄散等等。可以翻译为:吓死了,吓了一大跳,吓得毛发都立起来了,吓得浑身冰凉等等。



I am dying to get it . And how about you ? What the hell is it?

下面我们就从今天的课堂上去了解。今天我们开始第七课的第三讲。Lesson Seven: How to say "毛骨悚然" in American English? 第七课:“毛骨悚然”,美语怎么说?(第三讲)


在我们的第三讲开始之前,先请大家把鼻子给捏紧一点儿,因为待会儿您会问到一股臭味。Are you ready. Listen to my sentence: They mistake their man if they think they can scare the shit of me like that. 如果人们认为他们就这样可以把我吓得屁滚尿流,那他们是找错人了。在这个句子中用了一个含有shit, s-h-i-t这个单词的一个短语来表述“毛骨悚然”。它是:scare the shit out of somebody 。在这个短语中,Shit 是“屎”“粪便”的意思,scare the shit out of somebody 就是吓得一个人的大便都出来了,it is similar to saying "吓得屁滚尿流" in Chinese。

Let's look at two more sentences to get a grasp of it in order to use it with ease. 1 They tried in vain to scare the shit of me with threads. 他们想以武力把我吓得屁滚尿流,没门!(备注:例句中的in vain意思是:徒劳无效。For example: 1 An old dog barks not in vain.有经验的人不做白出力的事。2 In vain I tried to keep back my tears.我怎么也忍不住我的眼泪。3 I see that I am speaking in vain to a hardened heart.对你这一副铁石心肠再讲也是白费。) 2 The things that I've seen scare the shit of me and it seems unforgettable. 我见到的所有的一切把我吓死了,至今还有恐惧的心理。


现在我把scare the shit out of somebody 演变一下。在shit,s-h-i-t的后面加上l-e-s-s, 但是shit跟shitless这个单词的意思是截然不同。Shit 是粪便的意思,而shitless是非常,极度的意思,it means "very much" or "extremely". 而且shitless在美语中它是一个俚语,是一种非常粗俗的说法。Scare somebody shitless.

Let's look at two more sentences to get a grasp of it in order to use it with ease. 1 James love sneaking up on his sister to scare her shitless. James喜欢溜在他姐姐后面来吓死她。(备注:sneak up 悄悄靠近,悄悄走进 sneak up on somebody 悄悄靠近,悄悄走进某人 For example : The quiet ones always sneak up on you.有些人总是不鸣则已一鸣惊人。Two men sneak up behind it, carrying a giant bell jar.两个男人手持罐子,蹑手蹑脚而上。)John pretended to fire over their head to throw a scare into them and they were scared shitless. John 朝着他们头上开枪想吓唬他们,他们真的被吓得魂飞魄散。(备注: throw a scare into somebody 吓唬某人)

现在大家可以不要捏住鼻子了。我也不捏了,因为我闻不到臭味了。And now I am on the heaven because I gain an real American expression. If I make use of it in a right setting, a native American must say to you, " Your English is very good. " 我现在高兴极了,我学到了一个地道的说法,如果我在合适的场合使用的话,美国人会认为我的英语不同凡响。说到场合,这个正是我要强调的一点,scare the shit out of somebodyscare somebody shitless 这2个短语都是俚语,是在美国大街小巷普通平民百姓大家说的话。正确的使用俚语可以使您的说话出亮点,如果使用得不好,那结果不堪设想。Scare somebody shitless和scare the shit out of somebody ,如果您是对您亲密的朋友开玩笑时说,那么这时候一定会让大家突然爆发出笑声,笑得前俯后仰。但是,如果您才开始认识这个人不久,您就这样说的话,人家会觉得你这人没文化,没修养,是个庸者。


First , 我们学了与“be scared to death”同义的另一种精彩的口语表述,它们都是俚语,也可以说是街头语:scare the shit out of somebodyscare somebody shitless 吓得屁滚尿流。Secondly , we must pay attention to the occasions using it to express "you are made frightened extreamely". 第二,我们要住以这个2个街头语使用的场合。Thirdly , we've got the following phrases: in vain 徒劳无效 throw a scare into somebody 吓唬某人 sneak up on somebody 悄悄走进(靠近)某人,a hardened heart 铁石心肠,love doing something 喜欢做某事。 Finally , do remember the following two sentences. The fist one is : The quiet ones always sneak up on you. 有些人总是不鸣则已,一名惊人。A old dog barks not in vain. 有经验的人不做白出力的事儿。


  • settingn. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲 动词
  • vainadj. 徒劳的,无效的,自负的,虚荣的
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • frightenedadj. 受惊的,受恐吓的
  • jarn. 不和谐,刺耳声,震动,震惊,广口瓶 vi. 发刺耳