可可早间课堂第113期:Lesson Two(基础篇之二)
日期:2011-08-24 19:36



Lesson Two (基础篇之三)


各位亲爱的听众朋友,这里是可可之声每日一句口语课堂。我是Juliet.睡梦中听到天籁中雨滴奏响的旋律,耳边依旧萦绕着鸟儿的鸣叫,但今天更显清脆。夹着秋意的晨风清涤了空气中的尘埃,拂进我的工作室。透过纱窗,绿叶在比昨日飘舞这更为妖娆,一改这几个月来酷暑的炎热与怄闷。今天的清晨有着另一番美丽与惬意,带上您的一份美丽与惬意的心情走进今天的每日一句口语课堂—— Lesson two (基础篇之二),我们与大自然共舞,开始我们一天美好而又充实的生活。


I share a sentence with you yesterday morning. It is : I thought he loved me , but he blew me off for Babara. 我以为他爱我,可他喜欢的是Babara, 拒绝了我。Blow somebody off在恋爱方面有2个意思,一个是:拒绝某人的爱;一个是结束与某人的恋爱关系。那么,我们要表述“拒绝接受某人的爱,或是结束与某人的恋爱关系而爱另一个人 ”, how should we put it. In fact, it's just in the above sentence. What's it. It is : blow somebody off for ( another person ). 介词"For"在这里表示原因。


Yesterday I told you I would tell a bitter and true story about a beautiful and intelligent girl who was blew off by his boyfriend who had promised to her,"My love to you is forever, never changes." 在昨天,我说了今天要跟大家讲一个故事这个故事是一个美丽而又纯洁的才女被其男友抛弃了,这个男友曾经对她海誓山盟过,说会她爱到海难石枯,永不变心,那么这个女孩被抛弃后的结局有事怎样呢?We might as well listen to the following dialogue.


Mary: Has Jenny broken up with her boyfriend, Tom? I saw him kissing with another attractive girl , Rose under the tree in the university this afternoon.

Jane:Yeah, he did blew Jenny off for Rose living in a rich family.

Mary: Oh... I'm too sorry for Jenny. And does Jenny take it well?

Jane : You can imagine...

Mary:She'd been expulsed from school , moving out of university to live with Tom by renting a house and giving up his study so that she cannot get her university diploma. She'd been in love with that guy from head to toes and now love has gone. She gets nothing. Oh , my god! All of these is too cruel to her! I cannot imagine that if I were Jenny, I..

Jane: Don't you know Tom is skilled in playing with a girl ? Don't you know Tom is very easy to change his mind?

Mary : I know, we would rather saying that he is easy change his mind rather than saying that he hadn't a heart. So , if a guy says that his love to me is forever and will never change, I won't buy it.

Jane: Now you are shouting. You can say it again.

Mary: And now , how is everything going with Jenny? I really want to know about it. Please...

Jane:You know, Jenny is a pure girl who has a sense of emotional specificity. By no means of course not, she cannot stood it and she was made crack up. Finally, she was sent to a mental hospital.

Mary: Really? Impossible! Is there anything wrong with my ears?Are you playing a joke on me? She is a so kind-hearted and an intelligent beauty.

Jane: I wish there was and I was doing, but it's the truth. So, when we were in love with a guy, we should not let our feelings get the upper hand over us.

Mary : It's dead right. We are on the same page.


—— Jenny和她的男友Tom分手了吗?今天下午,我看见Tom在学校的树下和另一个漂亮妞儿Rose在接吻。

—— 是的, Tom确实抛弃了她而爱上了一个生活在富有家庭中的女孩子。

—— 我真同情Jenny。那么Jenny还好吗?

—— 你猜猜吧......

—— 她因为爱这个男生爱得神魂颠倒,竟然放弃了学业,搬到学校外面住而被学校开除了的呀。这样,得不到毕业文凭,将来有找不到工作的。现在又被爱情遗弃了。她什么都没了。我真不敢想象如果我是Jenny,我会......

—— 难道你不知道Tom很容易变心的吗,很会哄女孩开心的吗?

—— 与其说他变心,还不如说他没心。如果一个男生对我说他爱我到海枯石烂,永不变心,我不会相信的。

—— 说得好!我颇有同感。

—— 那么现在到底Jenny还好吗?我真的很想知道。

—— 你知道的,Jenny是一个感情专一的很单纯的女孩,还用说吗,她那里受得住这样的打击。她精神崩溃了,现在精神病院里。

—— 不可能吧。我的耳朵是不是有问题了? 你是在和我开玩笑吧。她是那么善良温柔,气质非凡,聪明过人的人。

—— 我也希望是如此,但这就是事实。所以呀,当我们与一位男生恋爱时,要理智些,不要感情用事。

—— 我半分百赞成。我们俩想到一块去了。


亲爱的听众朋友,上面的对话中所讲述的故事不是虚拟的,就是发生在我身边的一个真实的事情。曾经在孩童时,我和她一起玩,一起学习,她多才多艺,成绩优异,是保送进名牌大学学习的。但是现在,她在天涯的何处,连家人都不知道,因为那是她经常拿着刀子在院子里跑,还疯狂地大吼:“You should get killed! I will kill you! You have said your love to me is forever and it never changes. You promised to me! You promised to me! ”在精神药物的控制下,她时好时坏。家人怕她反复的发病就又拿着刀伤害到院子里的人,就她放到了乡下的亲戚家。在药物的控制下,本来还能生活些,可是“没有不透风的墙”,村里的小孩一见到她就说:“她是个疯子,快跑,快跑呀!”于是乎,她完全失去了自信与自尊,她就离开了那个村子。现在是死,是活,谁也不知道,我也很想知道她的下落。听众朋友,What do you think of the leading character Jenny in the dialogue? And what do you think of her boyfriend? Suppose that you had been her closest friend, how did you enlighten her.? I would very muck like your opinions. I think it is a subject for you to do some writing. 那么在此,我想说的是,在收听节目的您若是女性朋友的话,我们作为女人要在事业上自强,要在经济上自立,要在情操上自我塑造。在众人面前展现出的—— 您是一朵正在绽放的鲜红的玫瑰,散发真诱人的芬芳;让他人爱慕您——这枚一个闪闪发光的砖石,这样,when your boyfriend or your husband blows you off, 您就不容易走进思想的死胡同,而让悲剧发生。

在我们今天的情景对话中,措辞精彩,那么精彩尽在下期节目中。敬请锁定下期的晨间7点档每日一句口语课堂——Lesson Two 基础篇之三。感谢您的收听,下次再会。


  • intelligentadj. 聪明的,智能的
  • emotionaladj. 感情的,情绪的
  • enlightenv. 授与 ... 知识,启发,启蒙
  • crackv. 崩溃,失去控制,压碎,使裂开,破解,开玩笑 n.
  • impossibleadj. 不可能的,做不到的 adj. 无法忍受的
  • attractiveadj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的
  • mentaladj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的 n. 精神病患者