早间课堂194期:话说地道美语 Lesson 23(2)之六
日期:2012-01-12 09:58



各位亲爱的可友们,我们现在还在飞往美国西雅图的航班上,我是本次航班乘务长Juliet。就餐完后,我现在继续跟大家聊聊和get on one's case和be on one's case意思相同或者相近的习语或者动词短语。


第八、我们可以说tell sb off。In English, it means "to speak angrily to sb for doing sth wrong". 中文意思是责备,斥责,数落,责骂。我们通过下面的例句来熟悉这个习语的意思。

例句1:I told boys off for making so much noise. 孩子太吵了,我把他们训斥了一顿。

注解:Tell sb off for doing sth( sth) 意思是因......而斥责......再如:My boss told me off for my careless work so I were in a bd mood. 我工作粗心,上司把我责骂了一顿,所以我心情不好。

例句2: I heard that Jane has told on you to o the teacher for your cheating in the exam. And did your teacher tell you off? 我听说简向老师打了你的小报告,说你在考试中作弊,你给老师骂了吗?

注解:tell on是告发某人,打某人的小报告,告某人的状的意思。例如:I'm late for work- don't tell on me! 我上班迟到了,不要打我的小报告啊!Don't you tell on each other? 你们彼此不告密?

此外,tell on还有影响到的意思。例如:In the last stage of the race, her tiredness began to tell on her. 在赛跑的冲刺阶段,她开始显得筋疲力尽了。Sleeplessness is sure to tell on your health. 失眠肯定会影响你的健康。Smoking will tell on you when you're getting old. 你上年纪时就会感受到吸烟的影响了。

下面我们来看tell off这个短语作为责备这个意思的变异形式的短语。

1. Give sb a telling-off

这里就是把tell off中的tell加上ing变为动名词再用连字符将副词off连接起来成为名词,即:telling-off。It means " the act of speaking angrily to sb, especially a child, because they have done sth bad". 要强调一点的是这个词只用于单数形式,不用复数形式。因此,不能说telling-offs,give sb telling-offs。我们来看2个例句:I don't give people a telling off unless I'm really angry. 除非我很生气,我平常不会骂人。Don't give your boss a telling-off, even if you think he deserves it. 即使你认为你的上司该骂,也不要责骂你的上司。

2. Get (be)told off 挨骂,遭骂

这个短语的变异其实就是在语态上进行变化而来,这个就是被动语态。我们来看2个例句:You'll get told off if you're caught doing that. 要是发现你做那种事,你就得挨骂。You will be told off for being a cheater. 你骗人要遭骂的。

Tell sb off除了有责备的意思,还有分派指派的意思。例如:A small party of men were told off for burial duty. 一小组人被分派去执行掩埋的任务。Ten soldiers were told off to dig ditches. 十名战士被分派去挖沟。

好,亲爱的朋友们,我们本次航班还未抵达目的地。下面是乘务员为您倒果汁,发面包,发蛋糕,就餐的时间了。我们下回再学习与get one's case意思相近的表述法。在就餐完后,不妨考虑一下用今天所讲的语言点如何翻译下面的10个句子。句子比较多,但是做得多,收获就多,印象就要深刻,运用就自如。No pains , no gains. (一分耕耘,一份收获。)祝您用餐愉快!See you later!


1. 别误会,我并不是企图批评你。
2. 不要指摘他,他是在政界有影响的人。
3. 你批评他, 他总有说头儿。
4. 一些人批评老板,但是他们很虚伪,当着老板的面从不提这事。
5. 我一直以为有资格对你的规划指手划脚。
6. 过度劳累开始影响他的健康。
7. 旅行还没有完成一半,威尔逊已感到有疲劳的感触。
8. 她不知道她是否应该揭发他。
9. 我上班迟到了,不要打我的小报告啊!
10. 他发誓不告诉他的朋友 。


1. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to tell you off.
2. Don't give him any telling-off since he is an influence in politics.
3. Whenever you give him a telling-off, he always has an excuse.
4. Some boss are got told off by his employees, but they're too mealy-mouthed to say in her presence.
5. Here I've been considering myself qualified to tell you off for your game.
6. Strain began to tell on his health.
7. The effects of strain began to tell on Wilson even before the tour was half over.
8. She didn't know if she should tell on him.
9. I'm late for work- don't tell on me!
10. He promised not to tell on his friend.

  • strainn. 紧张,拉紧,血统 v. 劳累,拉紧,过份使用
  • qualifiedadj. 有资格的,有限制的
  • presencen. 出席,到场,存在 n. 仪态,风度
  • burialn. 埋葬,葬礼,坟墓
  • carelessadj. 粗心的,疏忽的 n. 不关心的,粗心的[反]a