可可新闻脱口秀 第192期:大妈缘何组团吸毒
日期:2015-04-03 11:49
A group of middle-aged women, or "Dama" in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, has sent shockwaves through China after being convicted for taking drugs in a karaoke room.
The story has increased public attention into the life and spirit of retired Chinese senior citizens, also known as dama in Chinese, who have previously grabbed news headlines with their square dancing and gold buying.一群平均年龄超过50岁的温州大妈组团在KTV吸毒,目的是找乐子。这样一个极端案例,反映出踏入“退休生涯”的中国城市妇女尴尬境况——面临着巨大的精神危机。
Who are they? What did they do?
