可可新闻脱口秀 第187期:中国人是否该使用公筷?
日期:2015-03-27 10:51
Should Chinese Get Used to Serving Chopsticks?
A father in Hangzhou recently lost temper on her daughter who tried to persuade him to use a pair of serving chopsticks during dinner. And this has raised discussion again about dining hygiene.中国人吃饭讲究的是热闹、团圆。大家乐乐呵呵坐一桌,你一勺,我一勺,长辈们为表示客气和疼爱,还不时用自己的筷子夹好吃的到你碗里。但最近一起家庭纷争让是否该使用公筷的问题引发热议。
Are there divided opinions about the use of serving chopsticks?