Obama, Republican Christie tour storm-hit New Jersey
(灾区= disaster-hit area= earthquake-stricken area or quake-hit area=地震灾区= drought-stricken area=旱灾区; flood-hit population=遭受洪灾人口)
(Reuters) — Putting aside partisan differences, President Barack Obama and Republican Governor Chris Christie toured storm-stricken parts of New Jersey on Wednesday, taking in scenes of flooded roads and praising each other for their response to superstorm Sandy.
路透社消息:周三,总统和共和党州长克里斯.克里斯蒂一同前往遭桑迪袭击的新泽西州进行安抚之行,察看淹没道路的现场,相互赞扬对方对超级风暴桑迪所做出的积极反应 。
(Put aside=暂不考虑;撇开;前嫌尽释/尽释前嫌=forgive and forget; put aside partisan differences抛开偏见(党派分歧); 求同存异seek common points while reserving difference; 握手言和= shake and make up= forgive and forget)
Riding in the Marine One presidential helicopter, Obama and Christie got an aerial view of some of the hardest-hit areas of the New Jersey shoreline, and afterward the president promised to cut through red tape to help storm victims.
乘坐着海军一号总统直升机,奥巴马和克里斯蒂察看了新泽西海岸线受灾最严重地区,随后总统要求减少政府的繁文缛节,希望抚慰当地飓风灾民 。
(cut through red tape=去除繁文缛节;打破官僚作风;减少政府的繁文缛节;cut through=eliminate=remove=put aside; red tape =official rules and procedures or official formalities or outdated or stereotyped rituals and ceremonies=繁文缛节;官样文章)
Despite being a top surrogate for Obama's rival Mitt Romney in the November 6 election, Christie kept up his compliments about Obama for guiding federal support during and after the devastating storm, which also crippled New York City and other parts of the eastern seaboard(东海岸).
尽管作为奥巴马竞选(11月6日总统选举日)对手米特·罗姆尼的高级代言人,克里斯蒂一再大加赞赏奥巴马,赞扬其在这次毁灭性飓风整个期间指导并支持联邦政府采取的积极行动,尽管这场灾害也使纽约市和东海岸的部分地区几乎陷入瘫痪 。
((1)kept up his compliments about=对某人一再大加赞赏/赞许有加; compliment=a polite remark=恭维话=praise,但不同于“flattery”— flatter = praise you in an exaggerated way=奉承或逢迎(巴结讨好;谄媚));(2)cripple=impair=weaken=瘫痪:The factory was entirely crippled by the strike.罢工使这个工厂完全瘫痪了
"I cannot thank the president enough for his personal concern and his compassion," said Christie, known for his blunt, in-your-face political style.
克里斯蒂一贯以率直和咄咄逼人的政治风格著称,但这次他是这么说的:“总统对这次灾害所给予的个人关心和同情,我深表谢意,我真的感动不已 。”
(cannot too/enough表示“再多也不过分”;“越越好”; 无论如何强调都不为过=cannot be overemphasized:(1)You cannot be careful enough/too careful.你再小心也不会过分 。(2)We cannot be too careful of health. 我们无论如何注意健康也不为过 。(3)You cannot be too careful when you drive a car. 你开车时再小心也不过分 。(4)We can not be too faithful to our duties. 我们必须尽力忠于职守 。(5)交通安全的重要性无论如何强调都不为过 。
The importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized.(6)尽管可能会出现这些缺陷,巨金捐款人所发挥的重要作用无论怎样强调都不为过 。Despite these possible pitfalls, the importance of major donors cannot be overstated.)