German joblessness rises for seventh straight month in October
BERLIN (Reuters) — German joblessness rose for the seventh month running in October, gaining 20,000 in seasonally adjusted terms (经季节调整后) but remaining close to a post-reunification low.(国家统一后的新低)
路透社柏林电:德国的失业率已连续7个月呈增长趋势,10月份未经季节调整后的失业人数为20,000人,几乎接近国家统一后的新低 。
(straight= consecutive=running =连续(数月/年),要注意:这三个词在英文句子中的位置是不同的 。例如:(1) The Cup was won for the third consecutive/straight year by the Toronto Maple Leafs.这个奖杯连续第三年由多伦多枫叶队赢去了 。(2) Japan's GDP has followed a downside pattern for 8 consecutive/straight months/for 8 months running). 日本的GPD连续8个月呈现下降趋势 。)
Labour Office (德国联邦劳工局)data showed on Tuesday the number of people out of a job (失业)rose to 2.937 million in October from 2.917 in September. The consensus forecast (普遍预测) in a Reuters poll(路透民调)of 31 economists was for unemployment to rise by 10,000.
周二,德国联邦劳工局的统计数据表明:失业人数已从9月份的291.7万人上升到10月份的293.7万人 。路透民调对31位经济学家进行了调查,普遍预测:失业人口会多达10,000人 。
(失业=out of a job/work=unemployed=失业;裁员=cut staff=lay off employees=downsizing:A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right thing for them.
许多公司选择去缩小规模,对于那些公司或许这是真确的 。get the sack= get(be given) a pink slip=fire=dismiss=be kicked off=解雇)
The unemployment rate stood at 6.9 percent, undoubtedly a shocking alarm to the country's top decision-makers.
失业率高居6.9%,这对该国的最高决策者来说无疑是敲响了警钟 。
(1. stand at=register=数值或数量为:(1)The average annual temperature of Mt. Jigongshan measures/registers /stands at 23C°.鸡公山的年平均气温为23C° 。(2)The earthquake registered 5.7 on the Richter scale.这次地震显示为里氏5.7级 。2. a shocking alarm=令人震惊的警报;敲响警钟=sound the alarm= ring the alarm bell:食品价格连续半年逐步攀升,这给我们敲响了警钟,我们必须采取必要的措施平抑物价 。The food price has climbed gradually for six (straight/consecutive) months running, which rings the alarm bell to us, so we must do something necessary to stabilize the food prices.)