可可新闻脱口秀 第73期:《大话西游》重映,欠星爷的票钱该还了
日期:2014-10-20 09:02
When hearing this song, guess many listeners already know what the topic is about.
The iconic comedy series A Chinese Odyssey, or Da Hua Xi You, will reopen in Chinese theatres next Friday. It is the representative work of the Hong Kongactor Stephen Chow and is very popular on the mainland about a decade ago.周星驰旧作《大话西游》即将于10月24日重新登陆全国各大影院。《大话西游》以天马行空的剧情架构、荒诞不经的人物塑造以及创造性的经典台词,成为无厘头经典影片的开山之作。又一次机会摆在大家面前,你会去电影院贡献票房吗?