原味语汇:to pop the question
Translation: to propose marriage
典型例句:Greg popped the question tonight! He said he's in love with Lisa and wants her to be his wife.
Translation: Greg proposed marriage tonight! He said he's in love with Lisa and wants her to be his wife.
原味发音:Greg popped the question tonight! He said 'e 's 'n love with Lisa 'n wants 'er da be 'is wife.
原味语汇:to rob the cradle
Translation: to date or marry someone much younger than oneself
典型例句:Joanne is 53 and Tony is 22. I know she likes young men, but that's really robbing the cradle!
Translation: Joanne is 53 and Tony is 22. I know she likes young men, but that's rally dating someone much younger than herself!
原味发音:Joanne is fifdy-three 'n Tony's twen'y-two. I know she likes young men, b't that's really rabbing the craddle!
在此,和大家分享一下Juliet到美国学习的经历。我刚到美国的时候,甩不开中文思维转英文思维,朗读句子时每个单词都发得一清二楚的。在Jenny老师和Robert老师的帮助下,解决了这些在中国学习英文的弊端。只要你想学,没有学不会的,但是要学会善于寻找规律,善于总结笔记勤操练,切勿有一口就想吃成个大胖子的想法,日积月累就一定会make it。
我们今天的学习就到此结束吧,see you tomorrow.