日期:2015-07-11 12:53



在今天的课堂上,我们将要来学习的是用含有nod这个词语,可以表示“to be given permission or approval to do something”这个意思的一个Idiom。它是什么呢?我们不妨来看下面的这段话:

Our family was very poor at that time. Our mother’s main concern was for my further education. I got the nod from her to study Japanese in Japan in the end.

这段话是说:我们当时家境贫穷,母亲最担心的是我能否深造,她答应让我去日本进修日语。我们可以看到段落中用到了get the nod这个短语。细究这个段落,我们要注意3个要点。

第一个要点是短语:at that time。它是表示时间的副词性短语。For another example: At that time they showed great concern for the future of their country. (那时他们对国家的前途深表担忧。)

第二个要点是2个短语:main concern。Concern在这里的意思是“所关心的事”,main concern 的意思即为“焦点,主要的顾虑”。For another example: Our main concern is that they are not receiving enough help.(我们最忧虑的是他们一直没有得到足够的帮助。)Further education的意思为“继续教育;进修”。For another example: She were diddled out of a chance for further education just because of their poor family.(就是由于家庭贫寒,她被剥夺了继续受教育的机会。)

第三个要点是:表示得到某人的许可,允许,我们在get the nod后面用上介词“from”,即:get the nod from somebody。For another example: I got the nod from the instructor in our department to take part in the international ballet competition.(我得到我系导师的允许去参加国际芭蕾舞比赛。)

为了加深您对get the nod这个习语的印象,熟练掌握它的运用,我们再来看2个例句:

Only if she got the nod from her teacher, Mary was allowed to enter this room. 只有得到教师的允许,学生才可以进这间屋子。

Sad to say, she didn’t got the nod from her head master to engage in advanced studies in America .不幸的是,校长没有批准她去美国进修。

说到此,我们今天所讲的可以表示“得到许可,被批准”之意而且含有Nod这个词语的黄金短语——get the nod,您记住了吗?表示“得到某人的许可,获得某人的批准”,用get the nod from somebody。我们今天的学习就到此over了,catch you next time.
