日期:2019-08-08 09:16



1. 原味表述:take some to the cleaners

Expression: To acquire all of someone's possessions or money either dishonesty or in a court battle.

典型例句:When Caroline discovered that her husband was dating another woman, she divorced him and took him to the cleaners.

Translation: When Caroline discovered that her husband was dating another woman, she divorced him and acquired all of his possessions.

原味发音:When Caroline discovered thad 'er husban' w'z dading another woman, she divorced 'im 'n took 'im da the cleaners.

2. 原味表述:tramp

Expression: A sexually promiscuous woman, literally, a homeless person who sleeps in different places every night.

典型例句:Don't let your husband get near that woman. Everyone in the neighborhood knows she's nothing but a tramp!

Translation: Don't let your husband get near that woman. Everyone in the neighborhood knows she's nothing but a sexually promiscuous woman

原味发音:Don't let cher husban' get near that wom'n. Ev'ryone 'n the neighborhood knows she's nothing b'd a tramp!

