Jack: Hey! That girl over there is checking you out! Why don't you go say hello?
Tim: The last time I said hello to a girl in a place like this, she thought I was coming on to her and blow me off before I had a chance to introduce myself.
Tim的话语中,说到come on to her,这是什么意思呢?今天,我们就来学习come on to somebody这个短语。
Come on to somebody的意思是“to behave in a way that shows sb. that you want to have a sexual relationship with them ”,译为:勾引,勾搭(想与其发生性关系)。我们再来看几个例句:
Kim is so pretty. That guys come on to her all the time. They don't really care whether or not she has a personality. (Kim太漂亮了,那些男的总是挑逗她。他们才不管这个人如何?)
备注:all the time:一直,始终 whether or not:不论,是否
I can't believe he came on to you—he's a married man!(我兼职不敢相信他会挑逗你,因为他是有家的人。)
备注:married是marry的过去分词作定语。cannot belive:简直不敢相信
She didn't even know he was coming on to her till they got to his place.(她甚至是直到了他的住处,才知道他即将挑逗她。)
那么,男生日常生活中可不要轻易对一个lady说come on to her,否则会显得自己没有修养,让人看不起的哦。
此外,Juliet提醒大家come to sb. 作为“挑逗,调情,勾引,勾搭”这个意思的话,是一种非正式用语。那么用标准书面英语该如何说呢?请跟Juliet一起来说:The last time I said hello to a girl in a place like this, she thought I was flirting with her。我们可以用flirt with来替换它。
今天,我们的学习就到此结束了。Tim 究竟为何不愿意去和那位女生打招呼的原因在明天的学习中就会知道了。