1. 原味表述:patch things up
Expression: To reconcile differences.
典型例句:Peter and Marsha used to be in love but then they had a big fight and haven't spoken in months. Well today, they finally patched things up.
Translation: Peter and Marsha used to be in love but then they had a big fight and haven't spoken in months. Well today, they finally reconcile the differences.
原味发音:Peter 'a Marsha usta be 'n love b't then they had a big fight 'n haven't spoken 'n munts. Well today, they fin'lly patched things up.
2. 原味表述:pre-nup
Expression: A prenuptial agreement which is a contract between two people who are soon to be married, this contract specifies what each person gets in the event of a divorce.
典型例句:After years of marriage, Angela and Tony are getting a divorce. Luckily they had a pre-nup, so the entire process should be very easy.
Translation: After years of marriage, Angela and Tony are getting a divorce. Luckily they had a prenuptial agreement, so the entire process should be very easy.
原味发音:After years ev marr'age, Angela 'n Tony 're gedding a divorce. Luckily they had a pre-nup, so the entire process should be very easy.