1. 原味语汇:to go together
Translation: to move in together
典型例句:We have been dating for over a year. Don't you think it is time we shacked up?
Translation: We have been dating for over a year. Don't you think it is time we move in together?
原味发音:We've been dading fer over a year. Doncha think it's time to we shacked up?
2. 原味语汇:sugar daddy
Translation: a wealthy old man who gives money and presents to younger woman and exchange for her intimate companionship.
典型例句:—Every time I see Trish, she is with a much older man. Is that her father?
—No, that is her sugar daddy. That is why she is always wearing new jewelry and clothing.
Translation: —Every time I see Trish, she is with a much older man. Is that her father?
—No, that is her wealthy old man who gives money and present and exchange for her intimate companionship. That is why she is always wearing new jewelry and clothing.
原味发音:Ev'ry time I see Trish, she's with a much older man. Izat 'er father?
—No, that's 'er sugar daddy. That's why she's ahweez wearing new jewelry 'n clothing.
Lesson2:《肯求婚了!》这一课的口语和听力同步操练此就结束了,希望您每天都有新的收获。若您想知道我们下节课的内容,明天准时来到我们的《点滴英语天天学》课堂。See you tomorrow!