日期:2015-08-03 13:22


我们来细看Mike对自己出师不利的事情的表达中的语言要点。我们除了掌握get off on the wrong foot这个黄金短语外,还要注意6个要点。

第一个要点是表示“约会”的动词短语:get a date。如果表示“和…..约会”,在短语后面用介词with,即为get a date with someone。For examples: I've got a date with Jane this Saturday night. Can you recommend a good restaurant for us?(本周六晚上我和Jane有个约会。你能给我们推荐一家好的餐厅吗?)I finally got a date with that girl I've been trying to go out with so long. (我总算和那个女孩约好了明天一起出去玩,这是我长久以来所梦寐以求的。)

第二个是表示“在班上或在在课堂上”的介词短语:in class。这是一个固定短语,不要在名词class前面使用任何冠词。For examples: Children who talk too much in class get under the teacher's skin.(班上随便说话的孩子闹得老师不安宁。) Once we caught him dozing off in class.(有一次我们发现他在上课时打盹。)

第四个要点是表示“给某人留下了不好的印象,与某人一开始关系不好”的短语。我们在今天的黄金短语get off on the wrong foot后面用介词with,即为:get off on the wrong foot with someone。For examples: I got off on the wrong foot with Jane, but now we’re close friends.(我跟Jane一开始关系很僵,但现在是闺蜜了。)You should avoid getting off on the wrong foot with your colleagues at this company. (你应该一开始就和公司的同时搞好关系。)

第五个要点是表示“到达(一个小地方)”的动词短语:get to。For examples: The light had already gone out when I got to the cinema.(我到电影院时灯已经熄灭了。)He got to the station in the nick of time and caught the train.(他及时赶到车站,乘上了火车。)

第四个要点是表示“完了几个小时的短语”:基数词+hour(s) late。For examples: When her child was two hours late, she was quite demented.(她孩子晚了两个小时,她心急如焚。)It will be two hours late. (这班航班将晚点两小时。)

第六个要点是表示“车子有故障”的名词短语:car trouble。For exaple: I had car trouble on the way to the park so we did not have fun today. (在去公园的路途中,车子出现故障了,所以,我们今天玩得并不开心。)

  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • recommendvt. 建议,推荐,劝告 vt. 使成为可取,使受欢迎