学个词Learn a Word 第3388期:wayward
日期:2020-05-19 12:40
今天我们要学的词是 Wayward.
wayward 是任性、固执的意思,也可以指反复无常、意想不到的。Mainland China, in its bid to peel away the allies of what it considers a wayward province, might be seeking recognition from the Solomon Islands which still has diplomatic ties with Taiwan. 中国大陆可能会寻求与仍与台湾有外交关系的所罗门群岛建交,以期剥离台湾这个中国认为是一个一意孤行的省份的盟友。
Train service through San Francisco's Sunset Tunnel was interrupted for about an hour when a wayward SUV entered the underground rail tunnel and exited the other side. 旧金山日落隧道的地铁服务中断了大约一个小时,当时一辆SUV意想不到地进入地铁隧道并从另一侧出来。