学个词Learn a Word第1337期:Be endowed with
日期:2014-01-22 10:55
今天我们要学的词是be endowed with。 Be endowed with, 天赋。2011年环球小姐出炉,来自安哥拉的莱拉.洛佩兹勇夺桂冠。在回答问题时,她说, "She considers herself a woman endowed with inner beauty," 她认为自己天生拥有一种内在美。 "Africa is well endowed with energy resources that remain to be fully exploited," 非洲能源资源丰富,但是还有待全面开发和利用。 "The billionaire was endowed with an inventive mind and a generous heart," 这位亿万富翁拥有发明的天赋和一颗乐善好施的心。好的,今天我们学习的词是be endowed with...