学个词Learn a Word第1960期:minimum wage
日期:2016-09-11 18:50



今天我们要学的词是 minimum wage. Minimum 意思是“最小的”,wage则是工资,minimum wage表示“最低工资”。

President Obama plans to sign an executive order to raise the minimum wage for federal contractors. 奥巴马总统计划签署一项行政令,提高联邦政府合同工的最低工资水平。The current federal minimum wage in the U.S. is $7.25 per hour. 21 of the 50 states have minimum wages higher than the federal minimum. 现在美国联邦规定的最低工资是每小时7.25美元,有21个州的最低工资高于这个水平。好的,今天我们学习的词是 minimum wage, minimum wage, minimum wage...
