学个词Learn a Word 第127课:nose dive
日期:2008-04-24 14:10
今天我们要学的词组是nose dive。 Nose是鼻子, dive是跳水或是俯冲, nosedive指飞机垂直俯冲,"The plane nosedived." Nose dive也指价格等猛跌,迅速下降。比如雅虎公司宣布季度盈利下跌60%, 美国媒体报道说, "Yahoo's profit takes a nose dive."
美国2006年的失业率大幅度下降,"The unemployment rate in the United States took a nose dive in 2006." 一个人的工作和事业也可能出现nose dive, "His career took a nose dive after he was fired by the company." 他被公司解雇以后,事业一落千丈。今天我们学习的词组是nose dive...