学个词Learn a Word第1702期:Cutback
日期:2015-12-16 11:21
今天我们要学的词是 cutback。Cutback 做为名词,意思是减少,削减。
When the budget is tight, one of the first things to happen is a cutback in travel. 预算紧张的时候,最先被取消的就是出差经费。Apple's stock has fallen from a cutback on its orders to suppliers. 苹果公司因为减少了供应商的订单,导致股价下跌。美国邮政局宣布,从八月份开始,取消星期六的普通信件递送服务。The Postal Service expects to save $2 billion annually from the cutback. 美国邮政总局估计,取消星期六的服务,每年能节省20亿美元。好的,今天我们学习的词是 cutback, cutback, cutback...