学个词Learn a Word 第3266期:entrant
日期:2020-01-18 18:41
今天我们要学的词是 entrant.
Entrant 的意思是参加者、参赛者,尤其指新加入的。Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is the latest entrant into the increasingly crowded Democratic presidential field for 2020. 参选2020年总统大选的民主党阵营人数越来越多,佛蒙特州参议员伯尼-桑德斯是最新的一位。
Over the past two years, President Trump and his administration have tried a variety of deterrent measures affecting both illegal entrants and asylum seekers. 过去两年来,川普总统及其行政当局尝试了各种令非法入境者和寻求庇护者望而却步的措施。