学个词Learn a Word第2031期: compel
日期:2016-10-19 05:51



今天我们要学的词是 compel. Compel 动词,有强迫,迫使的意思。The European Union's highest court has ruled that any citizens in the region can compel Google and other search engines to remove them from the companies' search result. 欧盟最高法院裁决,欧盟公民可以强制谷歌等搜索引擎将有关他们的信息从搜索结果中删除。盖洛普的最新研究显示,High fines will compel more uninsured Americans to sign up for Obamacare. 提高罚款数额可能会迫使更多没有医疗保险的美国人加入奥巴马医保计划。好的,今天我们学习的词是 compel, compel, compel...
