学个词Learn a Word第1487期:Centennial
日期:2014-11-17 16:41


今天我们要学的词是centennial。 Centennial, 意思是百年纪念。

"The centennial of the sinking of the Titanic has triggered numerous commemoration events," 泰坦尼克号沉船一百周年引发了很多纪念活动。 "The United States Postal Service issued a special stamp to celebrate the centennial of the National Cherry Blossom Festival," 为纪念国家樱花节一百周年,美国邮政总局发行了特别纪念邮票。 "Tennessee State University honored its centennial by holding eight days of special events," 田纳西州立大学举办为期八天的特别活动,庆祝建校百年。好的,今天我们学习的词是centennial...

  • cherryn. 樱桃(树), 樱桃色
  • stampn. 邮票,图章,印,跺脚 v. 跺脚,盖章
  • celebratev. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬
  • numerousadj. 为数众多的,许多
  • blossomn. 花,开花,全盛期 vi. 开花,成长