学个词Learn a Word第2003期: pitch
日期:2016-10-04 16:31



学个词Learn a Word: 今天我们要学的是pitch. Pitch当名词可以是推销的意思。为了让更多人购买健康保险,The White House used a high-profile sales pitch, involving celebrities, YouTube videos, and paid media. 白宫动用了高调的推销手段,包括请名人代言,YouTube视频和付费媒体宣传。虽然马航MH370还没有找到,Some American lawyers have gone to Beijing to make their pitches to relatives of passengers for a possible lawsuit against the Boeing Company. 一些美国律师已经赶到北京,动员乘客家属起诉波音公司。好的,今天我们学习的词是 pitch, pitch, pitch...
