学个词Learn a Word第1207期:Radioactive
日期:2013-07-31 10:16
今天我们要学的词是radioactive。 Radioactive, 放射性的。日本政府证实, "Traces of radioactive iodine have been detected in Tokyo and the Kanto area," 东京和关东一带发现了微量放射性碘。 "Tap water in a village near the Fukashima Dai-ichi facility has also tested positive for excessive traces of radioactive iodine," 福岛核电站附近一个村子的自来水里也发现放射性碘超标。日产汽车公司表示, "Nissan has started scanning vehicles made in Japan for radioactive material," 日产已经开始对日本生产的车辆扫描,检查放射性物质。好的,今天我们学习的词是 radioactive...