学个词Learn a Word 第3183期:inept
日期:2019-10-25 14:59
今天我们要学的词是 inept. Inept 的意思是无能。President Trump warned that the government will not bail out debt-stricken Puerto Rico by allowing its “inept politicians” to use massive federal hurricane relief to pay off other obligations. 特朗普总统警告说,政府不会让波多黎各“无能的政客们”将数额巨大的联邦飓风救济来偿还其他债务,拯救深陷重债的波多黎各。Critics blame inept governance for the economic crisis in Venezuela, while President Maduro says an "economic war" is behind the problems. 批评人士指责委内瑞拉经济危机是由于政府治理不力,而马杜罗总统表示,“经济战”是问题背后的原因。