学个词Learn a Word 第8课:to beat the heat
日期:2008-03-08 17:52
今天要学的词组是:to beat the heat。Heat是指高温;高温是不能打的,只能设法克服。美国各地热浪滚滚,《华盛顿邮报》说,一个母亲和她两岁的女儿"...try to beat the heat...by opening a window on the shady side." 意思是,母女俩为克服高温把不朝阳的一扇窗子打开。
在汗流浃背的情况下人人各显神通。A postman used bottles of frozen water to beat the heat - 一个邮递员用冻成冰的瓶子来抵挡热浪。一个户外工人"wipes his face and dreams of ...ice cream," 他一面擦汗,一面想象自己在吃冰淇淋。You can of course jump into a swimming pool,跳进游泳池也行!今天学的词组是:to beat the heat...