学个词Learn a Word第885期:hangover
日期:2012-03-28 13:30
今天我们要学的词是hangover。 Hangover, 是宿醉的意思。"I have a nasty hangover this morning from the party last night," 昨天晚上开派对喝多了,今天早上特别难受。你知道吗,"Dark drinks like bourbon or red wine make for a worse hangover compared to lighter drinks like vodka or gin," 波本和红葡萄酒这类颜色较深的酒比伏特加或杜松子这种颜色较浅的酒更容易引起宿醉。
咖啡能解酒吗?答案是否定的。"Coffee leads to more dehydration and can make your hangover worse," 咖啡会导致进一步脱水,加重宿醉的程度。好的,今天我们学习的词是hangover...