学个词Learn a Word 第3002期:on the eve of
日期:2019-04-27 16:27



今天我们要学的词是 on the eve of. On the eve of 意思是前夜,前夕。North Korea staged a military parade in Pyongyang on the eve of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in South Korea. 韩国冬季奥运会开幕式前夕,朝鲜在平壤举行了阅兵式。U.S. Senate leaders reached a two-year budget deal on the eve of the government shutdown deadline. 政府停摆最后期限到来前夕,美国联邦参议院领袖就一项为期两年的预算案达成了协议。好的,我们今天学习的词是on the eve of, on the eve of, on the eve of ...

  • budgetn. 预算 vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算 vi.
  • militaryadj. 军事的 n. 军队
  • ceremonyn. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪