学个词Learn a Word第1625期:Flagship
日期:2015-07-04 10:27


今天我们要学的词是 flagship. Flagship 旗舰。星巴克入驻中国已经13年了,但在印度才刚刚开了第一家。

Starbucks opened its flagship store in Mumbai, which can hold up to 120 people. 星巴克的第一家旗舰店设在孟买,可以容纳120人。Bank of America plans to unveil at least a dozen "flagship" branches across the country. 美国银行计划在全国开设至少12家旗舰分行。The flagship banking centers will offer customers more space and more services. 这些旗舰业务中心将为顾客提供更大的空间和更多样化的服务项目。好的,今天我们学习的词是 flagship, flagship, flagship....
