学个词Learn a Word第1329期:Diversify
日期:2014-01-12 09:31
今天我们要学的词是diversify。Diversify, 多样化。职业顾问给求职者提供建议,要同时申请多个职位: "By having a few eggs in one basket, you diversify the risk and disappointment when any single job opportunity disappears," 拥有多个机会能降低你丧失一个工作机会的风险和失望情绪。 "Many investors diversify their portfolio in order to reduce the risk of market volatility," 投资者通常会将资产多样化,以降低市场动荡带来的危险。 "Geneva is going to diversify its tourism offerings in order to attract more visitors from all over the world," 日内瓦将增加旅游市场的多样化,以吸引世界各地游客。好的,今天我们学习的词是diversify...
