学个词Learn a Word第1623期:To hunker down
日期:2015-07-02 10:27
今天我们要学的词是 hunker down. To hunker down 意思是待在一个地方,铆足了劲儿做某事。
期中考试快到了,The students are hunkering down to prepare for the mid-term exams. 学生们都集中精力为期中考试做准备。下雨了,The hikers had to hunker down and wait out the storm. 徒步旅行者不得不停下来,等雨停了再走。距离美国总统大选还有不到两周时间了,Both campaigns are hunkering down in swing states to make their last-ditch effort. 两个竞选团队都扎根摇摆州,做自己最后的努力。好的,今天我们学习的词是 hunker down, hunker down, hunker down....