学个词Learn a Word 第3338期:stoke
日期:2020-03-30 11:58



今天我们要学的词是 stoke.

stoke 的意思是添柴加火,鼓动。 The U.S.-China trade war is stoking fears of another steel glut, which has Vietnam's largest steelmaker thinking about putting plans for a third blast furnace on hold. 美中贸易战加剧了人们对钢铁再度出现过剩的担忧,这让越南最大的钢铁厂考虑暂时搁置建造第三座炼钢炉的计划。

The candidate has been stoking up controversy throughout the campaign, discrediting and slandering his opponents with outrageous and uNPRovable claims. 这位候选人在整个竞选过程中一直引发争议,以令人无法想象和未经证实的指称诋毁和诽谤他的对手。
