日期:2012-06-27 18:33



The Stapletons of Pen House
The next morning was sunny,and we were much more cheerful.
I told Sir Henry about the crying I had heard.He rang the bell to call Barrymore,and asked him if he could explain the crying.Barrymore's face went white when he heard Sir Henry's question.
"There are only two women in the house,Sir Henry,"he answered."One is the maid, who sleeps on the other side of the house.The other is my wife, and she was certainly not crying."
But he was telling a lie.I saw Mrs Barrymore after breakfast.The sun was full on her face, and it was clear she had been crying.
Why had Barrymore lied?What deep sadness had made his wife cry?There was a mystery surrounding this black-bearded, handsome man.Was it possible that Barrymore was in fact the man who had been watching Sir Henry in London?I decided I must check with the local post office that the telegram had really been put into Barrymore's own hands.
While Sir Henryworked atsome papers, I walked to the post office.It was in the nearest village, which was called Grimpen.I spoke to the boy who had taken the telegram to the Hall.
在亨利爵士处理一些文件时, 我便步行去了邮局。它在距此最近的一个名叫格林盆的村庄里。我对把电报投送到庄园的那个男孩说起话来。
"Did you give it to Mr Barrymore himself?" I asked.
"Well, 'the boy said, 'he was working upon the roof, so I couldn't give it to him.I gave it to Mrs Barrymore, and she promised to give it to him at once."
"Did you see Mr Barrymore?" I asked him.
"No, "said the boy, "but why did his wife say he was upon the roof if he wasn't?"
It washopelessto ask any more questions.It was clear that Holmes'cleverness with the telegram had not given us the proof we needed.


1.work at


eg.Tom has been working at the subject for many years.


eg.Have you ever been working at the bank?


原文:It was hopeless to ask any more questions.

eg.We have to charge off the debt as hopeless.

eg.None of us are hopeless and we all have the power within ourselves to recover.

eg.I'm hopeless at this myself, but I expect we'll all get better at this in the future.

  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • spokev. 说,说话,演说
  • mysteryn. 神秘,秘密,奥秘,神秘的人或事物
  • clevernessn. 聪明,机灵
  • telegramn. 电报 vt. 向 ... 发电报
  • cheerfuladj. 高兴的,快乐的