1. Expression:sell like hot cakes
Explanation:To sell very quickly. (卖得很快,畅销)
Example:We had to order a second shipment of shirts because they have just been selling like hot cakes!
The book sold like hot cakes and we had to print another ten thousand copies.
The new product is selling like hot cakes.We’ll need to produce more to keep up with the demand!
His new books are just published. And the bookshop started selling them like hot cakes.
2. Expression:cakes and ale
Explanation:A time or activity when you enjoy yourself greatly and have no troubles. (快乐,物质享受)
Example:Any reasonable person knows that life is not all cakes and ale.
Kids these days think only of cakes and ales—and not of the hard work they need to put in to be successful.
3. Expression:hot number
Explanation:Someone or something that is particularly trendy, popular, or fashionable at the moment. (眼下受欢迎的的人,眼前时髦的、流行的事物,抢手货,畅销货)
Example:The movie star has become a really hot number in the media lately.
The new double-cassette recorder was a hot number in the shop.
The factory managers are delighted to see the products which had been hard to sell months ago but now became hot numbers overnight.