1. Expression: have it bad for someone
Explanation: have意指有,it意指恋情,bad意指相恋程度深过了头;to have it bad for someone指对某人眷恋得不可收拾,喻指对某人情真意切而不可自拔,对某人一片痴情,对某人一往情深。
Example: Jim confessed that he had it bad for Lucy, and worst of all, he couldn’t help thinking of her all day long.
He had it bad for her, though she was indifferent.
There's no reason why Mary shouldn't have it bad for someone else. Nobody should interfere.
2. Expression: have it both ways
Explanation: To have both of two incompatible things. (同时兼顾两种不相容的事情,两者兼顾,左右逢源)
Example:I know you love ice cream, but you can't eat it every day and lose weight—you just can't have it both ways.
John wants the security of marriage and the freedom of being single. He wants to have it both ways.
You 'll have to decide whether you want to stay with your sister or you want to go on holiday. You can not have it both ways.
If you are really in love with your wife, you should be in support of her and leave it alone that you are always holding different ideas. You can’t have it both ways.
3. Expression: know one’s numbers
Explanation: To understand or know someone or something well enough to anticipate what they will do. (知道某人的底细,知道某人的真面目)
Example: A: Actually I don’t want to get in her hair.
B: That sounds more like it. You cannot always enrage your wife. By the way, do you think she knows your past?
A: My past?
B: Well, you don’t need to lie to me. I just warn you if she happens to know your numbers and she might depart from you.
A: I know what you mean. But she’ll never have the chance to know about it.