1. skate on thin ice
释义:To be in a risky situation. (处于危险的情况,如履薄冰)
用法:这是一个动词短语,表示做危险的事情。如果表示一种危险的状态,可以说为:be on the thin ice。
例句:e.g. Without some facts to support you, you're on thin ice with that argument.
e.g. You' ll be skating on thin ice if you drive the car so fast in this street.
e.g. I hope you realize that you'll be skating on thin ice if you decide to gamble your employees' retirement funds on such a dodgy investment.
e.g. Honestly, I wouldn't even mention the new woman in work, or you could find yourself skating on thin ice with your wife.
2. happy as a clam
释义:Very joyful and contented. (非常高兴,相当满足)
用法:也可以说为as happy as a clam。
例句:e.g. Look at your sister out there! She's happy as a clam now that she's back in the starting lineup again.
e.g. I don't need much. Just somewhere to live, some work to do, and a TV to watch, and I'm as happy as a clam.
e.g. She lived in the village with her grandparents as happy as a clam.
e.g. Lady Bertram was perfectly quiescent and happy as a clam, and had no objections to make.