日期:2020-04-17 12:06


1. by hook or crook

释义:By any means. (不择手段,想方设法达到目的或去得到你想得到的东西)

用法:这个短语也可以在crook的前面加上借此by,即:by hook or by crook。

例句:I'll get the job done by hook or by crook.


I must have that house. I intend to get it by hook or crook.


I sure feel guilty about not getting home the last few years to spend Christmas with mother and dad. But this year I'll get home by hook or crook, no matter what!


Everyone likes to be promoted, that's perfectly understandable. But David is trying to get that promotion by hook or crook; he even spread rumors smearing the other candidates. This is awful!


2. drop off the hook

释义:To die. (死亡)

例句:If the Duke should drop off the hooks before his will is revised, the estate would pass to his eldest son instead of me.


And who, pray tell, will provide for you once I've dropped off the hooks?


3. get the hook

释义:To be relieved of a particular job or task. (解雇,被免除某项工作或任务)

例句:In this company you can get the hook for slightest mistake.


You'll get the hook if you goof off too much at work.


He told them they better shape up or they'll get the hook.


If you can' t deliver improved sales figures, you will get the hook !

你要是不能提高销售额, 就把你解雇!
