1. 表述:go down the tubes
解析:To fail; to be ruined or destroyed. (失败,被毁灭)
例句:My father's company is going down the tubes because of the incompetent new CEO.
All of our savings have gone down the tubes ever since Jack had his little gambling spree.
Monica and Jeff’s relationship went down the tubes after he discovered she was also dating his best friend behind his back.
She cried when she saw all her plans go down the drain.
2. 表述: go down the drain
解析:To fail; to be ruined or destroyed. To be squandered or wastefully discarded.(失败,被毁灭,化为乌有,白白浪费)
例句: Joe borrowed my savings to open a coffee shop. It made money at first but then somebody opened a bigger place down the street. This competition put my brother out of business and all the money I lent him went down the drain.
All Mr white's hard work went down the drain last year when his book was not accepted for publication.
The education system is going down the strain.
我们今天学习了2个非常有表现力的表述法。Hope thatyoucanbearthem in your mind. 这也是雅思考试必备的词汇哦!