1. 语汇:call someone on the carpet
释义:To scold someone vehemently or to tell someone off. (谴责某人,训斥某人)
例句 :You must be very careful to do your work well, or you will be called on the carpet for our boss is very strict with us.
The teacher called Fred on the carpet because he didn’t finish his homework yesterday.
Mr. Lee finally called Joe on the carpet. He told him he was a good salesman but he had to start working a full eight hours a day like everybody else. If he didn't, then the company would have to let him go and get someone else.
Mr. Lee终于把Joe叫来训斥了一顿。他说Joe是个出色的推销员,但是Joe必须改过自新,和大家一样每天工作八小时整,否则公司就会解雇他,另聘他人。
The next day, when Bill went to work, he was called on the carpet.
2. 语汇:chew someone out
释义:To scold or address one harshly or angrily. (责骂某人,谴责某人)
例句:The boss is totally going to chew us out if he hears that we lost that big client.
The director chewed him out for not knowing that the specifications had been changed.
I chewed him out,but good - it won't happen again.
The boy's father chewed him out for staying up late.
我们今天学习了2个非常有表现力的表述法。Hope thatyoucanbearthem in your mind. 这也是雅思考试必备的词汇哦!