Happiness is perched on your windowsill, invite it in. Success is not the key to happiness; happiness is the key to success.快乐就栖息在你的窗槛上,把它请进来吧。成功不是快乐的必然;而快乐却是成功的关键。大家好,欢迎来到《可可口语课堂》,快乐的英文伴随您。
The bird took its perch on a tree branch. 鸟儿栖息在树枝上。
The bird flew down from its perch in the cage. 这只鸟从栖息的鸟笼里飞下。
The boy sat on the perch and sang loudly. 那个男孩坐在高处大声唱歌。
He has a perch in his father's bank for as long as he wants it. 他在他父亲的银行里占有一高位,想占多久就多久。
I like fishing for perch on vacation. 我喜欢在假期中钓鲈鱼。
The bird perched on the electric wires. 鸟栖息在电线上。
The small village perched on a hill. 这个小村庄位于山上。
We perched on a couple of high stools at the bar. 我们坐在酒吧的几个高脚凳上。
Happiness is perched on your windowsill, invite it in.
invite in:请某人进入 窗槛,窗台:windowsill
Sill本身就有“窗台,基石,门槛”的意思,相当于cill。这两个单词是一组亲缘词汇,c和s 相互转换,是因为字母c 很多时候也发/s/的音,windowsill 就专指“窗台”了。
I'm trying to put the flowerpot on the windowsill.
pot 壶,盆,罐 flowerpot 花盆
Holding on to the windowsill, the children watched the parade.
hold on to 有“紧握”的意思 趴着窗台:hold on to the windowsill
Happiness is perched on your windowsill, invite it in.快乐就栖息在你的窗槛上,把它请进来吧。要知道Success is not the key to happiness; happiness is the key to success. 成功不是快乐的必然;而快乐却是成功的关键。《可可口语课堂》祝您快乐每一天,今天的节目就到这里,我们下期再见,拜拜!