日期:2010-05-25 16:19
The question keeps popping up: Where is Raul?人们不断在问: Raul 在哪里?
Problems kept popping up during the rehearsal.排练过程中突然出现了一些问题。
When you popped up like that, you scared me to death! 你这么突然闯进来,快把我吓死了!
The jury is still out 某问题还没有结论
Well, the jury is still out if that's the right way to handle it这么处理是否合适现在还没有结论。
The jury is still out if it'll keep going 这车能用多久还是个问题。
背景音乐:time for miracles 是电影2012的主题曲哦~