1 在生活中,我们有时会碰到话多的小朋友,就可以称其为
a mouthy child
2 bad mouth sb 指说坏话。(mouth在此是动词词性)
Do not bad mouth me.
3 down in the mouth
Down in the mouth是口语,意思是“沮丧、垂头丧气”。
Why do you look so down in the mouth ?(你为什么显得这样消沉?)She gets down in the mouth over the least little thing.(她动不动就情绪低落。)
4 word of mouth/by word of mouth
Word of mouth就是我们常说的“口碑”。By word of mouth是指人们经由一传十,十传百的口传方式得知某件事,也就是藉着口耳相传,大家告诉大家的意思。
A:This restaurant is so small, but it's always crowded. How did you find out about it? 这家餐厅很小,但却始终客满。你是怎么知道这家餐厅的?
B:I heard by word of mouth that they had great food.我是藉着人家口耳相传,知道他们卖的东西很好吃的。
5 Take the words right out of one’s mouth意思是“说出了某人想说的话,观点不谋而合”。
A: Did you see that girl in our English class. She is really beautiful. 你看见英语课上那个女孩儿了吗?她可真漂亮。
B: You took the words right out of my mouth.我也正想这么说。