日期:2010-03-22 14:05
(put something) on the line: at risk 冒风险 (工作,职业,名誉)面临风险,岌岌可危
If we don't make a profit, my job is on the line. 我们要是赚不了钱,我就有失业的危险.
If I don't get enough contracts this month, my job will be on the line. 如果这个月我签不到足够的合同,我的工作久就保不住了.
By making such an unusual film, he has really put his reputation on the line. 制作这样一部另类的电影,他真是在拿自己的名誉冒险.
somewhere along/down the line:某一时刻,某一环节
With an idiot like him to advise you, it was certain that you would get into trouble somwhere along the line. 有他这样的一个蠢材做你的顾问,你早晚会出岔子.
How did it happen?
I don't know. I just know that somewhere along the line we stopped loving each other.
