For many years, people thought that they were healthy since they were not ill.
多年来,人们认为自己只要没有生病就是健康的 。
This idea is not correct.
这种观念是错误的 。
Health for a child is not the same as health for an old adult.
健康对于儿童和成年人而言是不同的概念 。
Persons with chronic diseases may also lead healthy lives as long as their conditions are under control.
慢性病患者的病情如果得以控制的话也可以过健康的生活 。
In fast, health is a way of living.
从饮食角度来看,健康就是一种生活方式 。
Ideally, a person maintains health by practicing healthy habits, eating a balanced diet, taking daily exercise, avoid smoking and too much alcohol drinking and maintaining a positive attitude about life.
理想状态下,一个人可以通过践行健康的习惯、三餐营养均衡、每天锻炼身体、不抽烟、不酗酒、保持乐观的心态来保持健康 。
However, many people are satisfied if they are not ill.
然而,很多人只要不生病就感到满足了 。
They still practice unhealthy life style.
他们仍然保持不健康的生活方式 。
Some people continue to practice unhealthy behavior even when they are ill.
甚至有些人在生病的状态下还继续不健康的生活方式 。
For example, a person with high blood pressure does not take prescribed medicine and eats the wrong foods.
比如,有些高血压病人不吃医生给开的处方药,还乱吃不应该吃的食物 。
Therefore, nursing care should include teaching the patients the principles of healthy life style.
因此,护理内容应该包括教给病人健康生活方式的准则 。
Another definition of health is like this: if a person's basic needs are met, he is healthy.
健康的另外一个定义是:如果一个人的基本需求得以满足,他就是健康的 。
Needs are common to everyone and are necessary to the development of a happy life.
每个人都有需求,它是幸福生活的一个必要部分 。
Nurses, because they are humans, have the same basic needs of anyone else.
护士同样是人,也有和其他人一样的基本需求 。
They must recognize that some of their behavior is to satisfy their own needs rather than those of their patients.
他们必须认识到他们的一些行为是为了满足自己的需求而不是病人的需求 。
Maslow has classified the basic needs.
马斯洛将基本需求进行了分类 。
According to this theory, the first class of needs will dominate if they are not met.
根据他的理论,如果最低层的需求得不到满足,它就会对人起主导作用 。
When they are satisfied, needs of the next level appear and need to be satisfied and so on until the last need is reached.
当这层需求得到满足时,更高一层的需求就会出现,需要被满足 。以此类推,直到最高一层需求得到满足 。