First stage.
a. Check the vital signs, fetal heart tones, frequency of contractions and dilation of the cervix, then determine if the membrane is intact.
检查生命体征、胎心音、宫缩频率以及宫口扩张情况,然后查看胎膜是否完好 。
b. Check the patient every 15 to 30 minutes or more often, depending on the progress of labor. Monitor the frequency of the contractions, fetal heart tones and blood pressure. Check the temperature every 4 hours if the membrane is intact, and every 2 hours if the membrane is ruptured.
每15-30分钟查看一次孕妇,或者频率更高一些,根据分娩进程而定 。观察宫缩频率、胎心音以及血压情况 。如果胎膜完好,每四小时量一次体温;如果胎膜破裂每两小时量一次 。
c. If the membrane is ruptured, note time, color and odor. Check fetal heart tones.
如果胎膜破裂,记录时间、颜色和气味 。检查胎心音 。
d. Encourage the patient to walk unless the membrane is ruptured and encourage voiding every 1 to 2 hours.
除非胎膜破裂,否则督促病人散步并且没1-2小时督促其排泄 。
e. Keep the patient informed to the progress.
让产妇了解分娩进程 。
f. Administer analgesia
注意给产妇镇痛 。
Second stage.
a. Check the vital signs every 5 minutes.
每五分钟检查一次生命体征 。
b. Position the instrument table. Assist physician or midwife.
安置产床工具台 。助产士就位 。
c. Note the time and position of birth.
记录分娩时间和位置 。
d. Keep the patient informed of the progress.
让产妇跟进分娩流程 。
Third stage.
a. Take down the time of the delivery of the placenta.
记录胎盘娩出时间 。
b. Help the midwife with stitching episiotomy infant care, etc.
帮助助产士缝合外因切开裂口等等 。
Fourth stage.
a. Check the blood pressure every 15 minute and PRN for the first hour. Massage the uterus as ordered. Catheterize or have the patient void PRN.
产后一小时内每15分钟检查一次血压和医嘱 。按摩子宫 。导尿或者按需让产妇排泄 。
b. Check the vital signs.
检查生命体征 。
c. Check the lochia for its color, amount, and characteristics of flow.
检查孕妇排泄物的颜色、量及其流动特性 。
d. Check episiotomy and perineum for bleeding, unusual redness and swelling.
检查外阴切口及会阴有无流血及不正常红肿 。
e. Transfer the woman to the postpartum ward when stable.
情况稳定之后将孕妇送到产后病房 。
f. Assist the intake and outtake of the mother for the first 24 hours until she voids well.
在产后24小时内帮助产妇进食和排泄,直至排泄正常 。