Bathing a patient may be done for cleanliness or for specific therapy, which depends on the type of bath.
患者沐浴或是为了清洁或是处于医疗目的,因沐浴的种类而异 。
A physician's order is necessary for baths for specific therapeutic purposes.
医嘱对于医疗沐浴来说是必要的 。
The extent of the patient's bath and the methods used for bathing depend on the patient's physical conditions and the degree of hygiene required.
患者接受沐浴的程度和方式需要依据患者的身体状况以及需要的清洁程度而定 。
If a patient is totally dependent and requires total hygienic care, he'll receive a complete bed bath.
对完全不能自理的病人应当进行完全床上擦浴 。
For partial bed bath, the nurse only bathes the body parts that would cause discomfort if left unbathed.
。If dependent patients are in need of only partial hygiene, or if self-sufficient bedridden patients are unable to reach all body parts, they will receive a partial bed bath.
不能自理需要部分清洁护理的病患、具有自理能力的卧床病患如有触摸不到的身体部位需要接受部分床上擦浴 。
The tub bath or shower can be used to give a thorough bath than a bed bath.
盆浴和淋浴相对于床上擦浴的清洁程度更高 。
Washing and cleaning all body parts is easier. However, safety is the first concern since the surface of the tub or shower stall is slippery.
也更容易对清洗到全身各个部位 。但是由于浴缸和洗浴间地板湿滑,安全性成为了最大的隐患 。
Tepid sponging is used when a patient's temperature is very high.
当患者体温过高时应使用温水擦拭的方法 。
Tepid water is used to avoid the chilling effect of cold water, and to let the temperature come down slowly.
使用温水是为了避免冷水造成激冷效应,温水会使体温慢慢地降下来 。
Whatever type of bath a patient receives, the nurse should follow these guidelines:
1. Keep privacy. Close the door or pull room curtains around the bathing area or bathing the patients expose only the areas that are being bathed.
1.注意隐私 。关门或者拉上病房内洗浴区的隔帘,只暴露患者需要清洗的部位 。
2. Maintain safety. Keep side rails up while you are away from the patient's bed side. This is particularly important for dependent or unconscious patients. Place the call ring in the patient's reach if you must leave the room temporarily.
2.注意安全 。离开病床时支起病床两侧的扶手 。这对于不能自理以及无意识患者尤其重要 。如果你必须离开房间,将呼叫器放在患者可以够到的范围之内 。
3. Maintain warmth. The room should be kept warm, since the patient may easily be chilled.
3.注意保暖 。注意房间保暖,因为病人很容易受冷 。