Intensive Care Units are created to centralize clinical services most needed by critical ill patients.
重症加强护理病房的设立是为了将危重病人急需的医疗服务集中化 。
Care can also be optimized. At the same time, the use of medical resources can be optimized and costs can be reduced.
这样护理质量和医疗资源得以优化,同时护理成本得以降低 。
The challenge for the ICU is to meet the clinical needs to provide the highest quality of care possible.
重症加护病房的一大挑战是提供最高质量的护理以满足病人的医疗需求 。
We cannot take the quality of care for granted and must find out ways to evaluate it.
我们不能满足于现有的看护质量,必须寻找方法对其进行评估 。
When necessary, systems or approaches to care can be changed to improve it.
如有必要,可以对护理系统或方法进行调整以求改善 。
For intensive care, it's a great challenge to evaluate and optimize the quality of care.
对于重症护理来说,对护理质量的评估和优化是一大挑战 。
Critical care medicine develops continuously. Standards of practice continue to change too.
危重症医学不断发展 。实践标准也不断发生变化 。
Therefore, it is difficult to assess quality of care.
因此,对护理质量的评估很难进行 。
First, we're challenged to define quality in any clinical setting.
首先,我们很难在不同医疗环境下进行护理质量界定 。
Second, quality has many different components.
第二,护理质量取决于很多不同因素 。
It can also be difficult to quantify it. If you want to evaluate the quality of care, you must understand the existing standards of care.
很难将其量化 。要想对质量进行评估,首先要了解现行的护理标准 。
The existing standards of care are a methodology for defining proper use of medical resources, and a method for evaluating the clinical and economic cause of care.
现行护理标准对合理利用医疗资源进行规定,对护理的医疗及经济需求进行评估 。
Perhaps the most important in the evaluation of quality of care is the assessment of outcome and whether it reaches the goals of therapy.
对护理质量进行评估最重要的或许是对护理结果及其是否达到治疗目标的评估 。
Quality assessment in the ICU is much more complicated than in other settings.
重症加强护理病房护理质量评估比在其他医疗环境要复杂很多 。
Here, there are other reasons as well. ICU patients are sicker, so, they require more medical resources and more interventions.
这一问题背后还有其他原因 。重症加护病房的病人病情较重,因此需要更多的医疗资源和治疗 。
Generally, they are cared for by a great number of medical personnel.
通常,对其进行看护的医务人员人数较多 。
As a result, it is more likely for a side effect or complication to occur.
因此,副作用和并发症产生的可能性也较高 。